Digital marketing in the wake of COVID-19

Will 2020 be noted as the year Coronavirus downgraded from a lurid horror meme to just one of many untreatable diseases? Spine chilling isn’t it?

Considering that companies allocate most of their budgets to trade shows, even a slight change in preferences is likely to translate into huge investments in web marketing.

It has been predicted by data Intelligence Companies that in February alone, concerns about the coronavirus has caused 100% cancellations and postponements of important events.

Strengthening your focus on marketing will help you to maintain sanity in these crazy days and will give you an advantage over competitors who are slow to react.

Now, what do we think we can do in this health epidemic? A very good question to ask yourself.

Let us see how we can take this to our benefit:

Online marketers are on the most profitable position right now. How? You might think

The major advantage of online or say digital marketing, besides the fact that it does not require face-to-face interaction, is that it is measurable. Marketers can easily obtain a good picture of their spending return on investment (ROI), and of which activities generate the highest number of quality leads and to what expense.

Assuming that many marketers will have some extra time, especially those who will have to go into isolation, they will have plenty of time to use their time to review their online marketing strategy and redefine them.

This is the time to modify your marketing campaign goal and take a look at the performance of previous efforts. A close look will let you find out that there is a real need to refresh much of the marketing materials produced previously.

  • Website content – Making sure that it contains the right marketing content with the right call to action message.
  • SEO – Checking your current website organic search rankings and optimizing them for search engines to improve the web traffic
  • Content marketing – Using this opportunity to generate ideas for new blog posts and to start writing the next newsletter for your customers
  • Press releases and articles – Thinking of topics you can inform the media and your clients about and writing professional articles
  • Marketing materials – Preparing marketing materials like brochures presentations, etc.
  • Social media engagement – Strategizing how you can improve social media engagement and writing new case studies, articles, White paper.
  • Video – Drafting the storyline for the next videos

Strengthening your focus on digital marketing will enable us to succeed in these crazy days and will give you a whole new perspective to spend your quality time. Hopefully, the whole crisis will end soon, but no matter how long it takes strengthening your digital marketing skills will minimize the risk and improve your business.